четверг, 10 ноября 2011 г.

Women 'being let down by banks': Expectant and new mothers are denied loans, says report

Banks are discriminating against women, particularly those who are pregnant or on maternity leave, according to a study.
Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has promised to investigate the claims that women are being denied mortgages and loans on the basis of their gender.
A think-tank report from Cambridge professor Noreena Hertz claims banks in Britain, Europe and the U.S. are treating women as second class citizens.
This is denied by the banks, which have dismissed the claims as unreliable and unsubstantiated. 
Professor Hertz has uncovered evidence of women being rejected for mortgages when on maternity leave, and of banks rejecting mortgage applications from women when they found out they were pregnant. 
There have also been cases of banks insisting that pregnant women or new mothers wait until they return to work before being offered a loan.
Women entrepreneurs are also suffering, with evidence that British female business owners can expect to pay 1 per cent higher interest on a loan than men.
Bank officials who decide on loans are said to treat women as inherently less able to understand how to set up and run a business.
    For example, it is claimed they are questioned over whether they have undertaken sufficient research into their business significantly more often than male applicants.
    These same officials are also assuming that pregnant women will not return to work.
    The research paper, published by the Institute of Public Policy Research, argues that the discrimination is illegal under the UK Equality Act 2010 and needs to be investigated and stopped.
    Professor Hertz, from the University of Cambridge business school, said: ‘It’s as if we’ve gone back in time to the 1950s. Banks need to be put on notice that such behaviour is both unlawful and unacceptable.
    ‘It is also economically damaging to the UK as a whole. The Prime Minister has stressed that if the economy is to grow then entrepreneurs need to be able to access credit. It is imperative that women be able to play their full part in the economic recovery.
    Unfair: There have been cases of banks insisting that pregnant women or new mothers wait until they return to work before being offered a loan
    Unfair: There have been cases of banks insisting that pregnant women or new mothers wait until they return to work before being offered a loan
    Unfair: Banks have insisted pregnant women or new mothers wait until they return to work before being offered a loan. Nick Clegg (right) promised to investigate claims that women are being denied loans on the basis of their gender
    ‘I am calling for an investigation into banks’ treatment of female entrepreneurs, pregnant women and women on maternity leave, and for banks to publish their lending decisions by gender in a transparent fashion.’ 
    Mr Clegg said that if banks are discriminating against women, ‘that is not only unacceptable, but illegal’. 
    He has passed the issue to the equalities minister Lynne Featherstone who will assess the extent of the problem and what action is needed to fix it.
    The British Bankers Association rejected the allegations, saying that having a baby ‘does not rule out a loan or a mortgage’.
    A spokesman said: ‘We are deeply concerned that this unaudited paper, based on a small number of website postings, is being presented as actual evidence of systemic industry failure. Anyone who feels his or her bank has acted improperly should contact it directly.’


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